Source code for pyreal.explainers.base

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from openai import OpenAI
from sklearn.base import is_classifier
from sklearn.metrics import get_scorer

from pyreal.explanation_types import Explanation
from pyreal.transformers import BreakingTransformError
from pyreal.transformers import fit_transformers as fit_transformers_func
from pyreal.transformers import run_transformers
from pyreal.utils import model_utils

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _check_transformers(transformers):
    Validate that all Transformers in `transformers` are legal. Converts single Transformer objects
    into lists. Checks for the existence of a `.transform()` function for all Transformers.

        transformers (Transformer or list of Transformers):
            A list of Transformer objects to validate
        List of Transformers
            The original input list, or a single Transformer converted to a list

            If one or more objects in `transformers` does not have a `.transform()` function.
    if transformers is None:
        return []
    if not isinstance(transformers, list):
        transformers = [transformers]
        transformers = transformers
    for transformer in transformers:
        transform_method = getattr(transformer, "transform", None)
        if not callable(transform_method):
            raise TypeError("Given transformer that does not have a .transform function")
    return transformers

def _get_transformers(transformers, algorithm=None, model=None, interpret=None):
    Return Transformers in `transformers` that have all the requested flags.

        transformers (list of Transformers):
            List from which to pick transformers
        algorithm (Boolean or None):
            If True or False, choose transformers with that value. If None, do not consider the
            value of this flag.
        model (Boolean or None):
            If True or False, choose transformers with that value. If None, do not consider the
            value of this flag.
        interpret (Boolean or None):
            If True or False, choose transformers with that value. If None, do not consider the
            value of this flag.

        List of Transformers
            A list of Transformers from `transformers` that have all requested flags.
    select_transformers = []
    for t in transformers:
        if (
            (algorithm is None or t.algorithm == algorithm)
            and (model is None or t.model == model)
            and (interpret is None or t.interpret == interpret)
    return select_transformers

[docs]class ExplainerBase(ABC):
[docs] def __init__( self, model, x_train_orig=None, y_train=None, e_algorithm=None, feature_descriptions=None, classes=None, class_descriptions=None, transformers=None, fit_on_init=False, training_size=None, return_original_explanation=False, fit_transformers=False, openai_api_key=None, openai_client=None, ): """ Generic ExplainerBase object Args: model (string filepath or model object): Filepath to the pickled model to explain, or model object with .predict() function model.predict() should return a single value prediction for each input Classification models should return the index or class. If the latter, the `classes` parameter should be provided. x_train_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, x_orig_feature_count)): The training set for the explainer. If none, must be provided separately when fitting y_train (Series of shape (n_instances,)): The y values for the dataset e_algorithm (string): Algorithm to use, if applicable feature_descriptions (dict): Interpretable descriptions of each feature classes (array): List of class names returned by the model, in the order that the internal model considers them if applicable. Can be automatically extracted if model is an sklearn classifier None if model is not a classifier class_descriptions (dict): Interpretable descriptions of each class None if model is not a classifier transformers (transformer object or list of transformer objects): Transformer(s) used by the Explainer. fit_on_init (Boolean): If True, fit the explainer on initiation. If False, must be manually called before produce() is called training_size (Integer): If given this value, sample a training set with size of this value from x_train_orig and use it to train the explainer instead of the entire x_train_orig. return_original_explanation (Boolean): If True, return the explanation originally generated without any transformations fit_transformers (Boolean): If True, fit transformers on x_train_orig. Requires x_train_orig not be None openai_api_key (string): OpenAI API key. Required for GPT narrative explanations, unless openai client is provided openai_client (openai.Client): OpenAI client object, with API key already set. If provided, openai_api_key is ignored """ if isinstance(model, str): self.model = model_utils.load_model_from_pickle(model) else: predict_method = getattr(model, "predict", None) if not callable(predict_method): raise TypeError("Given model that does not have a .predict function") self.model = model self.x_train_orig = x_train_orig self.y_train = y_train if x_train_orig is not None and not isinstance(x_train_orig, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("x_train_orig must be of type DataFrame") if y_train is not None and not ( isinstance(y_train, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(y_train, pd.Series) ): raise TypeError("y_train must be of type DataFrame or Series") self.e_algorithm = e_algorithm self.transformers = _check_transformers(transformers) self.feature_descriptions = feature_descriptions self.classes = classes if ( classes is None and ( str(self.model.__module__).startswith("sklearn") or str(self.model.__module__).startswith("sktime") ) and is_classifier(model) and hasattr(model, "classes_") ): self.classes = model.classes_ self.class_descriptions = class_descriptions self.return_original_explanation = return_original_explanation self.x_train_orig_subset = self.x_train_orig self.y_train_subset = self.y_train self.training_size = training_size if x_train_orig is not None and training_size is not None: self.x_train_orig_subset, self.y_train_subset = self._select_training_set( x_train_orig, y_train ) if fit_transformers: if x_train_orig is None: raise ValueError("Cannot fit transformers unless x_train_orig is provided") a_transformers = _get_transformers(self.transformers, algorithm=True) i_transformers = _get_transformers(self.transformers, interpret=True) fit_transformers_func(a_transformers, self.x_train_orig) fit_transformers_func(i_transformers, self.x_train_orig) if fit_on_init: if x_train_orig is None: raise if openai_client is not None: self.openai_client = openai_client elif openai_api_key is not None: self.openai_client = OpenAI(api_key=openai_api_key) else: self.openai_client = None
[docs] def fit(self, x_train_orig=None, y_train=None): """ Fit this explainer object. Args: x_train_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features): Training set to fit on, required if not provided on initialization y_train: Targets of training set, required if not provided on initialization """ return self
[docs] def produce(self, x_orig=None, disable_feature_descriptions=False, **kwargs): """ Return the explanation, in the interpretable feature space with feature descriptions applied. Args: x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features) or Series of length (n_features)): Input to explain disable_feature_descriptions (Boolean): If False, do not apply feature descriptions **kwargs: Additional arguments to be used by more specific explainers. Returns: Explanation A generated interpretable explanation object, including interpretable feature names and values. """ series = False name = None if x_orig is not None and isinstance(x_orig, pd.Series): name = series = True x_orig = x_orig.to_frame().T explanation_interpret = self.produce_explanation_interpret(x_orig=x_orig, **kwargs) if not disable_feature_descriptions: explanation_interpret.apply_feature_descriptions(self.feature_descriptions) if series: x_interpret = explanation_interpret.get_values().squeeze() = name explanation_interpret.update_values(x_interpret) return explanation_interpret
def produce_explanation_interpret(self, x_orig, **kwargs): """ Produce an interpretable explanation and corresponding values Args: x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features)): Input to explain **kwargs: Additional arguments to be used by more specific explainers. Returns: Explanation Generated explanation in the interpretable feature space, with values """ explanation = self.produce_explanation(x_orig=x_orig, **kwargs) return self.transform_explanation(explanation, x_orig) @abstractmethod def produce_explanation(self, x_orig, **kwargs): """ Run the explanation algorithm to produce an explanation Args: x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features)): Input to explain **kwargs: Additional arguments to be used by more specific explainers. Returns: A generated explanation object in the algorithm feature space (without values) """ pass def transform_to_x_algorithm(self, x_orig): """ Transform x_orig to x_algorithm, using the algorithm transformers Args: x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, x_orig_feature_count) or Series): Original input Returns: DataFrame or Series of shape (n_instances, x_algorithm_feature_count) x_orig converted to explainable form """ a_transformers = _get_transformers(self.transformers, algorithm=True) return run_transformers(a_transformers, x_orig) def transform_to_x_model(self, x_orig): """ Transform x_orig to x_model, using the model transformers Args: x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, x_orig_feature_count) or Series): Original input Returns: DataFrame or Series of shape (n_instances, x_model_feature_count) x_orig converted to model-ready form """ m_transformers = _get_transformers(self.transformers, model=True) return run_transformers(m_transformers, x_orig) def transform_x_from_algorithm_to_model(self, x_algorithm): """ Transform x_algorithm to x_model, using the model transformers Args: x_algorithm (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, x_orig_feature_count) or Series): Input in explain space Returns: DataFrame or Series of shape (n_instances, x_model_feature_count) x_algorithm converted to model-ready form """ m_transformers = _get_transformers(self.transformers, algorithm=False, model=True) return run_transformers(m_transformers, x_algorithm) def transform_to_x_interpret(self, x_orig): """ Transform x_orig to x_interpret, using the interpret transformers Args: x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, x_orig_feature_count) or Series): Original input Returns: DataFrame or Series of shape (n_instances, x_interpret_feature_count) x_orig converted to interpretable form """ i_transformers = _get_transformers(self.transformers, interpret=True) return run_transformers(i_transformers, x_orig) def transform_explanation(self, explanation, x_orig=None): """ Transform the explanation into its interpretable form, by running the algorithm transformer's "inverse_transform_explanation" and interpretable transformers "transform_explanation" functions. If an `x_orig` is provided, or the explanation has values, also convert `x_orig` with the same transformers. This function will result in `values` in the Explanation object in the same feature space as the final explanation Args: explanation (Explanation): The raw explanation to transform x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features) or None) Data to transform to final space Returns: Explanation The interpretable form of the explanation """ if not isinstance(explanation, Explanation): raise ValueError("explanation is not a valid Explanation object") if explanation.values is not None and x_orig is None: x_orig = explanation.values explanation.values = None convert_x = x_orig is not None if self.return_original_explanation: if convert_x: explanation = explanation.update_values(self.transform_to_x_algorithm(x_orig)) return explanation x = None if convert_x: x = x_orig.copy() a_transformers = _get_transformers(self.transformers, algorithm=True, interpret=False) i_transformers = _get_transformers(self.transformers, interpret=True) # Iterate through algorithm transformers for i, t in enumerate(a_transformers[::-1]): try: explanation = t.inverse_transform_explanation(explanation) # If this is a breaking transformer, transform x to the current point and return except BreakingTransformError: log.warning( "Transformer class %s does not have the required inverse explanation " "transform and is set to break, stopping transform process" % type(t).__name__ ) break_point = len(a_transformers) - i if convert_x: x = run_transformers(a_transformers[0:break_point], x) return explanation.update_values(x) else: return explanation # Iterate through interpret transformers for t in i_transformers: if not t.algorithm: try: explanation = t.transform_explanation(explanation) except BreakingTransformError: log.warning( "Transformer class %s does not have the required explanation " "transform and is set to break, stopping transform process" % type(t).__name__ ) if convert_x: return explanation.update_values(x) return explanation if convert_x: x = t.transform(x) if convert_x: return explanation.update_values(x) return explanation
[docs] def model_predict(self, x_orig): """ Predict on x_orig using the model and return the result Args: x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, x_orig_feature_count)): Data to predict on Returns: DataFrame of shape (n_instances,) Model prediction on x_orig """ if x_orig.ndim == 1: x_orig = x_orig.to_frame().T x_model = self.transform_to_x_model(x_orig) return self.model.predict(x_model)
def model_predict_proba(self, x_orig): """ Return the output probabilities of each class for x_orig Args: x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, x_orig_feature_count)): Data to predict on Returns: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_classes) Model output probabilities on x_orig """ if not hasattr(self.model, "predict_proba"): raise AttributeError("Model does not have a predict_proba method.") if x_orig.ndim == 1: x_orig = x_orig.to_frame().T x_model = self.transform_to_x_model(x_orig) return self.model.predict_proba(x_model) def model_predict_on_algorithm(self, x_algorithm): """ Predict on x_algorithm using the model and return the result Args: x_algorithm (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, x_orig_feature_count)): Data to predict on Returns: DataFrame of shape (n_instances,) Model prediction on x_orig """ if x_algorithm.ndim == 1: x_algorithm = x_algorithm.to_frame().T x_model = self.transform_x_from_algorithm_to_model(x_algorithm) return self.model.predict(x_model) def feature_description(self, feature_name): """ Returns the interpretable description associated with a feature Args: feature_name (string) Returns: string Description of feature """ return self.feature_descriptions[feature_name] def evaluate_model(self, scorer, x_orig=None, y=None): """ Evaluate the model using a chosen scorer algorithm. Args: scorer (string): Type of scorer to use. See sklearn's scoring parameter options here: x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features)): Dataset to score on. Required if x_train_orig was not provided at initialization. If None, use self.x_train_orig y (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features)): Dataset to score on. Required if y_train was not provided at initialization Returns: float A score for the model """ x_orig, y = self._get_training_data(x_orig, y) scorer = get_scorer(scorer) x_model = self.transform_to_x_model(x_orig) score = scorer(self.model, x_model, y) return score @abstractmethod def evaluate_variation(self, with_fit=False, explanations=None, n_iterations=20, n_rows=10): """ Evaluate the variation of the explanations generated by this Explainer. A variation of 0 means this explainer is expected to generate the exact same explanation given the same model and input. Variation is always non-negative, and can be arbitrarily high. Args: with_fit (Boolean): If True, evaluate the variation in explanations including the fit (fit each time before running). If False, evaluate the variation in explanations of a pre-fit Explainer. explanations (None or List of Explanation Objects): If provided, run the variation check on the precomputed list of explanations instead of generating n_iterations (int): Number of explanations to generate to evaluation variation n_rows (int): Number of rows of dataset to generate explanations on Returns: float The variation of this Explainer's explanations """ def _get_x_train_orig(self, x_train_orig): """ Helper function to get the appropriate x_orig or raise errors if something goes wrong Args: x_train_orig (DataFrame or None): Provided DataFrame Returns: The dataframe to use (x_orig or self.x_train_orig) Raises: ValueError if no valid dataframe """ if x_train_orig is not None: return self._select_training_set(x_train_orig)[0] if self.x_train_orig_subset is not None: return self.x_train_orig_subset else: raise ValueError("Must provide x_train_orig at initialization or fitting time!") def _get_training_data(self, x_train_orig, y_train): if x_train_orig is None and self.x_train_orig is None: raise ValueError("Must provide x_train_orig at initialization or fitting time") if y_train is None and self.y_train is None: raise ValueError("Must provide y_train at initialization or fitting time") if x_train_orig is not None and y_train is None: raise ValueError("Must provide y_train if providing x_train_orig") if x_train_orig is None: return self.x_train_orig_subset, self.y_train_subset else: return self._select_training_set(x_train_orig, y_train) def _select_training_set(self, x_train, y_train=None): if self.training_size is None: return x_train, y_train if self.training_size < len(x_train.index): if self.classes is not None and self.training_size < len(self.classes): raise ValueError("training_size must be larger than the number of classes") else: data_sample_indices = pd.Index( np.random.choice(x_train.index, self.training_size, replace=False) ) # use x_train_orig_subset for fitting explainer x_train_subset = x_train.loc[data_sample_indices] if y_train is not None: y_train_subset = y_train.loc[data_sample_indices] return x_train_subset, y_train_subset return x_train_subset, None else: return x_train, y_train