Source code for pyreal.explanation_types.decision_tree

from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError
from sklearn.tree import BaseDecisionTree
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from pyreal.explanation_types import Explanation

[docs]class DecisionTreeExplanation(Explanation): """ A type wrapper for decision-tree based type outputs from explanation algorithms. """ def validate(self): """ Validate that `self.explanation` is a valid and fitted sklearn `DecisionTree` Returns: None Raises: AssertionException if `self.explanation` is invalid """ if not isinstance(self.explanation, BaseDecisionTree): raise AssertionError("Decision tree explanations must be sklearn Decision Trees") try: check_is_fitted(self.explanation) except NotFittedError: raise AssertionError( "Decision tree explanations must be fitted sklearn Decision Trees" )