Source code for pyreal.transformers.one_hot_encode

import logging
import re

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder as SklearnOneHotEncoder

from pyreal.transformers import BreakingTransformError, TransformerBase

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _helper_transform_explanation_additive_with_mappings(wrapped_explanation, mappings):
    if wrapped_explanation.ndim == 1:
        wrapped_explanation = wrapped_explanation.reshape(1, -1)
    for original_feature in mappings.categorical_to_one_hot.keys():
        encoded_features = mappings.categorical_to_one_hot[original_feature].keys()
        summed_contribution = wrapped_explanation[encoded_features].sum(axis=1)
        wrapped_explanation = wrapped_explanation.drop(encoded_features, axis="columns")
        wrapped_explanation[original_feature] = summed_contribution
    return wrapped_explanation

def _generate_one_hot_to_categorical(categorical_to_one_hot):
    one_hot_to_categorical = {}
    for cf in categorical_to_one_hot:
        for ohf in categorical_to_one_hot[cf]:
            one_hot_to_categorical[ohf] = (cf, categorical_to_one_hot[cf][ohf])

    return one_hot_to_categorical

def _generate_categorical_to_one_hot(one_hot_to_categorical):
    categorical_to_one_hot = {}
    for ohf in one_hot_to_categorical:
        cf = one_hot_to_categorical[ohf][0]
        value = one_hot_to_categorical[ohf][1]
        if cf not in categorical_to_one_hot:
            categorical_to_one_hot[cf] = {ohf: value}
            categorical_to_one_hot[cf][ohf] = value
    return categorical_to_one_hot

def _generate_from_df(df):
    categorical_to_one_hot = {}
    for i in range(df.shape[0]):
        cf = df["categorical"][i]
        ohf = df["one_hot_encoded"][i]
        value = df["value"][i]
        if cf not in categorical_to_one_hot:
            categorical_to_one_hot[cf] = {ohf: value}
            categorical_to_one_hot[cf][ohf] = value
    return categorical_to_one_hot

class Mappings:
    def __init__(self, categorical_to_one_hot, one_hot_to_categorical):
        Initialize a new mappings object
        For common use, use Mappings.generate_mapping()

            categorical_to_one_hot (dictionary):
                {categorical_feature_name : {OHE_feature_name : value, ...}, ... }
            one_hot_to_categorical (dictionary):
                {OHE_feature_name : (categorical_feature_name, value), ...}

        self.categorical_to_one_hot = categorical_to_one_hot
        self.one_hot_to_categorical = one_hot_to_categorical

[docs] @staticmethod def generate_mappings( categorical_to_one_hot=None, one_hot_to_categorical=None, dataframe=None ): """ Generate a new Mappings object using one of the input formats All but one keyword should be None Args: categorical_to_one_hot: {categorical_feature_name : {OHE_feature_name : value, ...}, ... } one_hot_to_categorical: {OHE_feature_name : (categorical_feature_name, value), ...} dataframe: DataFrame with three columns named [categorical, one_hot_encoded, values] ie., [["A_a", "A", "a"], ["A_b", "B", "b"]] Returns: Mappings A Mappings objects representing the column relationships """ if categorical_to_one_hot is not None: return Mappings( categorical_to_one_hot, _generate_one_hot_to_categorical(categorical_to_one_hot) ) if one_hot_to_categorical is not None: return Mappings( _generate_categorical_to_one_hot(one_hot_to_categorical), one_hot_to_categorical ) if dataframe is not None: categorical_to_one_hot = _generate_from_df(dataframe) return Mappings( categorical_to_one_hot, _generate_one_hot_to_categorical(categorical_to_one_hot) )
[docs]class OneHotEncoder(TransformerBase): """ One-hot encodes categorical feature values """
[docs] def __init__(self, columns=None, handle_unknown="error", **kwargs): """ Initializes the base one-hot encoder Args: columns (list, None, or "object_columns"): List of columns to apply one-hot encoding to. If None, all columns will be encoded. If "all_categorical", all columns with an object dtype will be automatically encoded. handle_unknown (one of "error", "ignore", "infrequent_if_exist"): How to handle unknown categories encountered during transform. "error" will raise an error, "ignore" will ignore the unknown category, and "infrequent_if_exist" will treat the unknown category as if it were an infrequent category. """ self.ohe = SklearnOneHotEncoder( sparse_output=False, handle_unknown=handle_unknown ).set_output(transform="pandas") self.all_categorical = False # Check if columns is a string if isinstance(columns, str) and columns == "all_categorical": self.all_categorical = True columns = None if columns is not None and not isinstance(columns, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.Index)): columns = [columns] self.columns = columns self.orig_columns = None self.onehot_columns = None super().__init__(**kwargs)
def fit(self, x, **params): """ Fit this transformer to data Args: x (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features)): The dataset to fit to Returns: None """ if self.all_categorical: self.columns = x.select_dtypes(include=["object"]).columns if self.columns is None: self.columns = x.columns self.orig_columns = x.columns[self.columns]) self.onehot_columns = self.ohe.get_feature_names_out(self.columns) return super().fit(x) def data_transform(self, x): """ One-hot encode `x`. Args: x (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features)): The dataset to transform Returns: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_transformed_features): The one-hot encoded dataset """ if not self.fitted: raise RuntimeError("Must fit one hot encoder before transforming") x_to_encode = x[self.columns] x_cat_ohe = self.ohe.transform(x_to_encode) return pd.concat([x_cat_ohe, x.drop(self.columns, axis="columns")], axis=1) def inverse_data_transform(self, x_new): """ Transforms one-hot encoded data `x_new` back into the original feature space. Args: x_new (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_transformed_features)): The one-hot encoded dataset Returns: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features): The inverse-transformed dataset """ if not self.fitted: raise RuntimeError("Must fit one hot encoder before performing inverse transform") index = x_new.index x_orig = self.ohe.inverse_transform(x_new[self.onehot_columns]) x_orig = pd.DataFrame(x_orig, columns=self.columns, index=index) unordered_x = pd.concat([x_new.drop(self.onehot_columns, axis="columns"), x_orig], axis=1) return unordered_x[self.orig_columns] def inverse_transform_explanation_additive_feature_contribution(self, explanation): """ Combine the contributions of one-hot-encoded features through adding to get the contributions of the original categorical feature. Args: explanation (AdditiveFeatureContributionExplanation): The explanation to transform Returns: AdditiveFeatureContributionExplanation: The transformed explanation """ return explanation.update_explanation(self._helper_summed_values(explanation.get())) def inverse_transform_explanation_additive_feature_importance(self, explanation): """ Combine the importances of one-hot-encoded features through adding to get the contributions of the original categorical feature. Args: explanation (AdditiveFeatureImportanceExplanation): The explanation to transform Returns: AdditiveFeatureImportanceExplanation: The transformed explanation """ return explanation.update_explanation(self._helper_summed_values(explanation.get())) def inverse_transform_explanation_feature_based(self, explanation): """ For non-additive feature-based explanations, the contributions or importances of the one-hot encoded features cannot be combined. This will result in a different feature space in the explanation than the pre-transformed data. Therefore, attempting to reverse the transform on the explanation in this case should stop the explanation transform process. Args: explanation (FeatureBased): The explanation to transform Raises: BreakingTransformError """ raise BreakingTransformError def transform_explanation_feature_based(self, explanation): """ For feature-based explanations, the contributions or importances of categorical features cannot be split into per-category features. This will result in a different feature space in the explanation than the pre-transformed data. Therefore, attempting to one-hot encode an explanation will should the explanation transform process. If you'd like to get your explanation one-hot encoded, this procedure should be applied to the data before generating the explanation if possible. Args: explanation (FeatureBased): The explanation to transform Raises: BreakingTransformError """ "Explanation cannot be one-hot encoded with the available information. " "If you'd like to get your explanation one-hot encoded, " "this procedure should be applied to the data before generating " "the explanation if possible." ) raise BreakingTransformError def transform_explanation_decision_tree(self, explanation): """ Features cannot be added to encoded in existing decision trees, so raise a BreakingTransformError Args: explanation (DecisionTree): The explanation to be transformed Raises: BreakingTransformError """ raise BreakingTransformError def inverse_transform_explanation_decision_tree(self, explanation): """ Features cannot be decoded in existing decision trees, so raise a BreakingTransformError Args: explanation (DecisionTree): The explanation to be transformed Raises: BreakingTransformError """ raise BreakingTransformError def _helper_summed_values(self, explanation): """ Sum together the items in the explanation. Args: explanation: a list of values, one per feature Returns: the values summed together for all features involved in the one-hot encoding """ if explanation.ndim == 1: explanation = explanation.reshape(1, -1) encoded_columns = self.ohe.get_feature_names_out(self.columns) longest_first = sorted(self.orig_columns, key=len, reverse=True) regex = r"(" + "|".join(map(re.escape, longest_first)) + ")" summed_contribution = ( explanation[encoded_columns] .groupby( explanation[encoded_columns].columns.str.extract(regex, expand=False), axis=1, ) .sum() ) explanation = explanation.drop(columns=encoded_columns) explanation = pd.concat([explanation, summed_contribution], axis=1) return explanation
[docs]class MappingsOneHotEncoder(TransformerBase): """ Converts data from categorical form to one-hot-encoded, with feature names based on a mappings object which includes two dictionaries """
[docs] def __init__(self, mappings, **kwargs): """ Initialize the transformer Args: mappings (Mappings): Mappings from categorical column names to one-hot-encoded """ self.mappings = mappings super().__init__(**kwargs)
def data_transform(self, x): """ One-hot encode `x`. Args: x (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features)): The dataset to transform Returns: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_transformed_features): The one-hot encoded dataset """ cols = x.columns num_rows = x.shape[0] ohe_data = {} for col in cols: values = x[col] if col not in self.mappings.categorical_to_one_hot: ohe_data[col] = values else: ohe_feature_dict = self.mappings.categorical_to_one_hot[col] for ohe_feature in ohe_feature_dict: ohe_data[ohe_feature] = np.zeros(num_rows, dtype=bool) ohe_data[ohe_feature][np.where(values == ohe_feature_dict[ohe_feature])] = True return pd.DataFrame(ohe_data) def inverse_data_transform(self, x_onehot): """ Transforms one-hot encoded data `x_onehot` back into categorical form. Args: x_onehot (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_transformed_features)): The one-hot encoded dataset Returns: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features): The dataset in categorical form """ cat_data = {} cols = x_onehot.columns num_rows = x_onehot.shape[0] for col in cols: if col not in self.mappings.one_hot_to_categorical: cat_data[col] = x_onehot[col] else: new_name = self.mappings.one_hot_to_categorical[col][0] if new_name not in cat_data: cat_data[new_name] = np.empty(num_rows, dtype="object") # TODO: add functionality to handle defaults cat_data[new_name][np.where(x_onehot[col] == 1)] = ( self.mappings.one_hot_to_categorical[col][1] ) return pd.DataFrame(cat_data) def inverse_transform_explanation_additive_feature_contribution(self, explanation): return explanation.update_explanation( _helper_transform_explanation_additive_with_mappings(explanation.get(), self.mappings) ) def inverse_transform_explanation_additive_feature_importance(self, explanation): return explanation.update_explanation( _helper_transform_explanation_additive_with_mappings(explanation.get(), self.mappings) )
[docs]class MappingsOneHotDecoder(TransformerBase): """ Converts data from one-hot encoded form to categorical, with feature names based on a mappings object which includes two dictionaries """
[docs] def __init__(self, mappings, **kwargs): """ Initialize the transformer Args: mappings (Mappings): Mappings from categorical column names to one-hot-encoded """ self.mappings = mappings super().__init__(**kwargs)
def data_transform(self, x): """ One-hot decode `x`. Args: x (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features)): The dataset to transform Returns: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_transformed_features): The one-hot decoded dataset """ cat_data = {} cols = x.columns num_rows = x.shape[0] for col in cols: if col not in self.mappings.one_hot_to_categorical: cat_data[col] = x[col] else: new_name = self.mappings.one_hot_to_categorical[col][0] if new_name not in cat_data: cat_data[new_name] = np.empty(num_rows, dtype="object") # TODO: add functionality to handle defaults cat_data[new_name][np.where(x[col] == 1)] = self.mappings.one_hot_to_categorical[ col ][1] return pd.DataFrame(cat_data) def inverse_data_transform(self, x_cat): """ Transforms one-hot decoded data `x_cat` back into one-hot encoded form. Args: x_cat (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_transformed_features)): The dataset to transform Returns: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features): The one-hot encoded dataset """ cols = x_cat.columns num_rows = x_cat.shape[0] ohe_data = {} for col in cols: values = x_cat[col] if col not in self.mappings.categorical_to_one_hot: ohe_data[col] = values else: ohe_feature_dict = self.mappings.categorical_to_one_hot[col] for ohe_feature in ohe_feature_dict: ohe_data[ohe_feature] = np.zeros(num_rows, dtype=bool) ohe_data[ohe_feature][np.where(values == ohe_feature_dict[ohe_feature])] = True return pd.DataFrame(ohe_data) def transform_explanation_additive_feature_contribution(self, explanation): """ Transforms additive contribution explanations Args: explanation (AdditiveFeatureContributionExplanation): The explanation to be transformed Returns: AdditiveFeatureContributionExplanation: The transformed explanation """ return explanation.update_explanation( _helper_transform_explanation_additive_with_mappings(explanation.get(), self.mappings) ) def transform_explanation_additive_feature_importance(self, explanation): """ Transforms additive importance explanations Args: explanation (AdditiveFeatureImportanceExplanation): The explanation to be transformed Returns: AdditiveFeatureImportanceExplanation: The transformed explanation """ return explanation.update_explanation( _helper_transform_explanation_additive_with_mappings(explanation.get(), self.mappings) )