Source code for pyreal.utils.explanation_utils

import numpy as np

[docs]def get_top_contributors(explanation, num_features=5, select_by="absolute"): """ Extracts the top `num_features` most important or contributing features from a feature-based explanation. Args: explanation (DataFrame with an Importance or Contribution column): The explanation to extract from num_features (int, optional): Number of features to extract. Defaults to 5. select_by (one of "absolute", "max", "min", optional): If absolute, extract the highest importance/contribution by absolute value. In max/min, extract the highest/lowest features. Defaults to "absolute". """ if "Contribution" in explanation: contributions = explanation["Contribution"] elif "Importance" in explanation: contributions = explanation["Importance"] else: raise ValueError("Provided DataFrame has neither Contribution nor Importance column") contributions = contributions.to_numpy() order = None if select_by == "min": order = np.argsort(contributions) if select_by == "max": order = np.argsort(contributions)[::-1] if select_by == "absolute": order = np.argsort(abs(contributions))[::-1] if order is None: raise ValueError( "Invalid select_by option %s, should be one of 'min', 'max', 'absolute'" % select_by ) return explanation.iloc[order[0:num_features]]