Download OpenAPI specification:Download
An open source project from Data to AI Lab at MIT.
Sibyl is a highly configurable API for supporting the full human-ML decision making workflow.
eid required | string ID of the entity to modify/create |
row_ids | Array of strings Row IDs |
features | object Feature values |
labels | object Ground-truth labels. Only included if available |
object Additional properties |
{- "row_ids": [
- "string"
], - "features": { },
- "labels": { },
- "property": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
{- "eid": "string",
- "row_ids": [
- "string"
], - "features": { },
- "labels": { },
- "property": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
eid required | string ID of the entity to get |
row_id | string ID of the row to get for the entity |
{- "eid": "123",
- "features": {
- "row_1": {
- "f1": 10,
- "f2": 20
}, - "row_2": {
- "f1": 20,
- "f2": 30
}, - "row_ids": [
- "row_1",
- "row_2"
], - "labels": {
- "row_1": 1,
- "row_2": 0
}, - "property": {
- "group_id": "group_1"
Array of objects (Entity) List of entities to insert or modify |
{- "entities": [
- {
- "eid": "string",
- "row_ids": [
- "string"
], - "features": { },
- "labels": { },
- "property": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
{- "entities": [
- {
- "eid": "string",
- "row_ids": [
- "string"
], - "features": { },
- "labels": { },
- "property": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
If group ID is specified, return entities of that group.
group_id | string ID of the group to filter entities |
{- "entities": [
- {
- "eid": "string",
- "row_ids": [
- "string"
], - "labels": { },
- "property": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
feature_name required | string Name of the feature to update |
description | string Feature description |
negated_description | string Negated feature description |
category | string Category feature belongs to |
type | string Feature type (numeric, boolean, or categorical) |
{- "description": "string",
- "negated_description": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "type": "string"
{- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "negated_description": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "type": "string"
Array of objects (Feature) List of features to add or modify |
{- "features": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "negated_description": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "type": "string"
{- "features": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "negated_description": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "type": "string"
Array of objects (Category) List of categories to add or modify |
{- "categories": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "color": "string",
- "abbreviation": "string"
{- "categories": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "color": "string",
- "abbreviation": "string"
Note: Does not currently support updating realapp.
model_id required | string Name of the model to update/create |
description | string Description of model |
performance | string Text description of model performance metrics |
importances | object Feature importance scores {feature_name:score} |
training_set_id | string ID of training set to use for this model |
{- "description": "string",
- "performance": "string",
- "importances": { },
- "training_set_id": "string"
{- "id": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "performance": "string"
If given multiple eids, return one prediction per eid (first row).
If given one eid, return one prediction per row_id.
Only one of eids and row_ids can contain more than one element.
eids required | Array of strings Entity ID(s) to predict on |
model_id required | string ID of the model to use to predict |
row_ids | Array of strings row_id(s) to select from the given eid |
return_proba | boolean If True, return probabilities instead of class predictions |
{- "eids": [
- "string"
], - "model_id": "string",
- "row_ids": [
- "string"
], - "return_proba": true
{- "predictions": [
- 0
context_id required | string ID of the context to update/create |
context_id | string Context ID |
config | object context config in {config_name: config_value} format |
{- "context_id": "string",
- "config": { }
{- "context": {
- "context_id": "string",
- "config": { }
eid required | string ID of entity to get contributions for |
row_id | string Row ID of entity to get contributions for |
model_id required | string ID of model to use |
{- "eid": "string",
- "row_id": "string",
- "model_id": "string"
{- "result": {
- "Feature Name": "string",
- "Feature Value": "string",
- "Contribution": 0,
- "Average/Mode": 0
Get feature contributions for multiple entities, or for multiple rows in a single entity
Only one of eids or row_ids can have multiple elements
eids required | Array of strings Entity ID(s) to get contributions for |
model_id required | string ID of model to use |
row_ids | Array of strings Row ID(s) to get contributions for |
{- "eids": [
- "string"
], - "model_id": "string",
- "row_ids": [
- "string"
{- "contributions": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "values": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Modify one feature value at a time and return all resulting predictions.
eid required | string ID of entity to modify |
row_id | string Row ID of entity to modify |
model_id required | string ID of model to use |
required | object (Changes) Changes to features to make (feature_name:new_value pairs) |
return_proba | boolean Return probabilities instead of predictions |
{- "eid": "string",
- "row_id": "string",
- "model_id": "string",
- "changes": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "return_proba": true
{- "predictions": [
- [
- "string"
Make all modifications and return the resulting prediction.
eid required | string ID of entity to modify |
row_id | string Row ID of entity to modify |
model_id required | string ID of model to use |
required | object (Changes) Changes to features to make (feature_name:new_value pairs) |
return_proba | boolean Return probabilities instead of predictions |
{- "eid": "string",
- "row_id": "string",
- "model_id": "string",
- "changes": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "return_proba": true
{- "prediction": 0
Modify entity feature values and return the resulting feature contributions
eid required | string ID of entity to modify |
row_id | string Row ID of entity to modify |
model_id required | string ID of model to use |
required | object (Changes) Changes to features to make (feature_name:new_value pairs) |
{- "eid": "string",
- "row_id": "string",
- "model_id": "string",
- "changes": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
{- "contributions": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "values": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Get nearest neighbors for list of eids, or for all rows in a single eid
Only one of eids or row_ids can have multiple elements
eids required | Array of strings Entity ID(s) to get similar entities for |
model_id required | string ID of model to use |
{- "eids": [
- "string"
], - "model_id": "string"
{- "similar_entities": {
- "property1": {
- "X": { },
- "y": { },
- "Input": { }
}, - "property2": {
- "X": { },
- "y": { },
- "Input": { }
user_id | string The id of the user performing the action |
eid | string The id of the entity being acted upon |
timestamp required | integer The time the event occurred, in seconds since the epoch |
object The details of the event being logged |
{- "user_id": "string",
- "eid": "string",
- "timestamp": 0,
- "event": {
- "element": "string",
- "action": "string",
- "details": { },
- "interface": "string"