Source code for pyreal.transformers.llm

import explingo

from pyreal.explanation_types import NarrativeExplanation
from pyreal.transformers import TransformerBase

[docs]class NarrativeTransformer(TransformerBase): """ Transforms explanations to narrative (natural-language) form. """
[docs] def __init__( self, llm=None, openai_api_key=None, num_features=5, gpt_model_type="gpt-4o", context_description="", max_tokens=200, training_examples=None, **kwargs, ): """ Transforms explanations to narrative (natural-language) form. Args: llm (LLM model object): Local LLM object or LLM client object to use to generate \ narratives. One of `llm` or `openai_api_key` must be provided. openai_api_key (string): OpenAI API key to use x_orig (DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features): Input to explain num_features (int): Number of features to include in the explanation, when relevant. If None, all features will be included gpt_model_type (string): OpenAI model to use to generate the explanation, if passing in an openai api key context_description (string): Description of the model's prediction task, in sentence format. This will be passed to the LLM and may help produce more accurate explanations. For example: "The model predicts the price of houses." max_tokens (int): Maximum number of tokens to use in the explanation training_examples (dictionary of string:list of tuples): Few-shot training examples. Keys are explanation type (currently support: "feature_contributions") Values are lists of tuples, where the first element is the input to the model and the second element is the example output. Use the RealApp train_llm functions to populate this Returns: list of strings of length n_instances Narrative version of feature contribution explanation, one item per instance """ self.llm = llm self.openai_api_key = openai_api_key if self.llm is None and self.openai_api_key is None: raise ValueError("Must provide llm or openai_api_key") self.narrators = {} self.num_features = num_features self.llm_model = gpt_model_type self.context_description = context_description self.max_tokens = max_tokens if training_examples is not None: self.training_examples = training_examples else: self.training_examples = {} if "interpret" not in kwargs: kwargs["interpret"] = True if "model" not in kwargs: kwargs["model"] = False super().__init__(require_values=True, **kwargs)
def data_transform(self, x): return x def fit(self, x, **params): return self def set_training_examples(self, explanation_type, training_examples, replace=False): """ Set examples of narrative explanations for the request explanation type. Args: explanation_type (string): Type of explanation to set examples for. Currently only "feature_contributions" is supported. training_examples (list of tuples): List of tuples, where the first element is the input to the model and the second element is the example output. replace (bool): If True, replace existing examples. If False, append to existing examples. """ if explanation_type not in ["feature_contributions"]: raise ValueError( "Invalid training example type %s. Expected one of ['feature_contributions']" % explanation_type ) if replace: self.training_examples[explanation_type] = training_examples else: if self.training_examples.get(explanation_type) is None: self.training_examples[explanation_type] = [] self.training_examples[explanation_type].extend(training_examples) def transform_explanation_feature_contribution(self, explanation, num_features=None): if "feature_contributions" not in self.narrators: self.narrators["feature_contributions"] = explingo.Narrator( llm=self.llm, openai_api_key=self.openai_api_key, gpt_model_name=self.llm_model, explanation_format="(feature, feature_value, SHAP contribution)", context=self.context_description, sample_narratives=self.training_examples.get("feature_contribution"), ) narrator = self.narrators["feature_contributions"] if num_features is None: num_features = self.num_features narrative_explanations = [] parsed_explanations = self.parse_feature_contribution_explanation_for_llm( explanation, num_features=num_features ) for parsed_explanation in parsed_explanations: narrative_explanations.append(narrator.narrate(parsed_explanation)) return NarrativeExplanation(narrative_explanations) @staticmethod def parse_feature_contribution_explanation_for_llm(explanation, num_features=None): explanations = explanation.get_top_features(num_features=num_features) parsed_explanations = [] for explanation in explanations: strings = [] for feature, value, contribution in zip( explanation[0].index, explanation[1], explanation[0] ): strings.append(f"({feature}, {value}, {contribution})") parsed_explanations.append(", ".join(strings)) return parsed_explanations