
class pyreal.transformers.NarrativeTransformer(llm=None, openai_api_key=None, num_features=5, gpt_model_type='gpt-4o', context_description='', max_tokens=200, training_examples=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Transforms explanations to narrative (natural-language) form.

__init__(llm=None, openai_api_key=None, num_features=5, gpt_model_type='gpt-4o', context_description='', max_tokens=200, training_examples=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Transforms explanations to narrative (natural-language) form. :param llm: Local LLM object or LLM client object to use to generate narratives. One of llm or openai_api_key must be provided. :type llm: LLM model object :param openai_api_key: OpenAI API key to use :type openai_api_key: string :param x_orig: Input to explain :type x_orig: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features :param num_features: Number of features to include in the explanation, when relevant.

If None, all features will be included

  • gpt_model_type (string) – OpenAI model to use to generate the explanation, if passing in an openai api key

  • context_description (string) – Description of the model’s prediction task, in sentence format. This will be passed to the LLM and may help produce more accurate explanations. For example: “The model predicts the price of houses.”

  • max_tokens (int) – Maximum number of tokens to use in the explanation

  • string (training_examples (dictionary of) –

    list of tuples): Few-shot training examples. Keys are explanation type (currently support: “feature_contributions”) Values are lists of tuples, where the first element is the input to the model

    and the second element is the example output.

    Use the RealApp train_llm functions to populate this


list of strings of length n_instances

Narrative version of feature contribution explanation, one item per instance


__init__([llm, openai_api_key, ...])

Transforms explanations to narrative (natural-language) form. :param llm: Local LLM object or LLM client object to use to generate narratives. One of llm or openai_api_key must be provided. :type llm: LLM model object :param openai_api_key: OpenAI API key to use :type openai_api_key: string :param x_orig: Input to explain :type x_orig: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features :param num_features: Number of features to include in the explanation, when relevant. If None, all features will be included :type num_features: int :param gpt_model_type: OpenAI model to use to generate the explanation, if passing in an openai api key :type gpt_model_type: string :param context_description: Description of the model's prediction task, in sentence format. This will be passed to the LLM and may help produce more accurate explanations. For example: "The model predicts the price of houses." :type context_description: string :param max_tokens: Maximum number of tokens to use in the explanation :type max_tokens: int :param training_examples (dictionary of string: list of tuples): Few-shot training examples. Keys are explanation type (currently support: "feature_contributions") Values are lists of tuples, where the first element is the input to the model and the second element is the example output. Use the RealApp train_llm functions to populate this.


Transforms data x to a new feature space.

fit(x, **params)

Fit this transformer to data

fit_transform(x, **fit_params)

Fits this transformer to data and then transforms the same data


Wrapper for inverse_data_transform.


Transforms data x_new from new feature space back into the original feature space.


Transforms the explanation from the second feature space handled by this transformer to the first.


Inverse transforms additive feature contribution explanations


Inverse transforms additive feature importance explanations


Inverse transforms decision-tree explanations


Inverse transforms example-based explanations


Inverse transforms feature-based explanations


Inverse transforms feature contribution explanations


Inverse transforms feature importance explanations


Inverse transforms similar-example-based explanations


set_flags([model, interpret, algorithm])

set_training_examples(explanation_type, ...)

Set examples of narrative explanations for the request explanation type.


Wrapper for data_transform.


Transforms the explanation from the first feature space handled by this transformer to the second.


Transforms additive feature contribution explanations


Transforms additive feature importance explanations


Inverse transforms feature-based explanations


Transforms example-based explanations


Transforms feature-based explanations


Transforms feature contribution explanations


Transforms feature importance explanations


Transforms example-based explanations