
class pyreal.explanation_types.feature_based.FeatureBased(explanation, values=None, other_properties=None)[source]#

A type wrapper for feature-based DataFrame type outputs from explanation algorithms.

__init__(explanation, values=None, other_properties=None)#

Set the wrapped explanation to explanation and values to values and validate :param explanation: wrapped explanation :type explanation: object :param values: Values corresponding with the object being explained :type values: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features) or None :param other_properties: Other information relevant to the explanation :type other_properties: dict


__init__(explanation[, values, other_properties])

Set the wrapped explanation to explanation and values to values and validate :param explanation: wrapped explanation :type explanation: object :param values: Values corresponding with the object being explained :type values: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features) or None :param other_properties: Other information relevant to the explanation :type other_properties: dict


Apply feature descriptions to explanation

combine_columns(columns, new_column)

Combine the values for columns into a new column, if appropriate :param columns: Columns to sum :type columns: list of strings :param new_column: Name of new column :type new_column: string


Get the explanation wrapped by this type.


Get the explanation and wrapped values as a tuple.


Return the expected values of features, for explanations where this is relevant


Get the explanation wrapped by this type

get_top_features([num_features, select_by])

Get the top features from the explanation :returns:


Return the values associated with the explanation

update_explanation(new_explanation[, ...])

Sets this object's explanation to the new value.

update_values(values[, inplace])

Updates this objects values, and validates


Validate that self.explanation is a valid DataFrame :returns: None


Validate that any additional properties are valid


Validate that self.values are valid values for this Explanation.