
class pyreal.explanation_types.feature_based.FeatureImportanceExplanation(explanation, values=None, other_properties=None)[source]#

A type wrapper for global feature importance FeatureBased type outputs from explanation algorithms. Global feature importance explanations give one numeric value per feature, representing that feature’s overall importance to the model’s prediction.

__init__(explanation, values=None, other_properties=None)#

Set the wrapped explanation to explanation and values to values and validate :param explanation: wrapped explanation :type explanation: object :param values: Values corresponding with the object being explained :type values: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features) or None :param other_properties: Other information relevant to the explanation :type other_properties: dict


__init__(explanation[, values, other_properties])

Set the wrapped explanation to explanation and values to values and validate :param explanation: wrapped explanation :type explanation: object :param values: Values corresponding with the object being explained :type values: DataFrame of shape (n_instances, n_features) or None :param other_properties: Other information relevant to the explanation :type other_properties: dict


Apply feature descriptions to explanation

combine_columns(columns, new_column)

Combine the values for columns into a new column, if appropriate :param columns: Columns to sum :type columns: list of strings :param new_column: Name of new column :type new_column: string


Get the explanation wrapped by this type.


Get the explanation and wrapped values as a tuple.


Return the expected values of features, for explanations where this is relevant


Get the explanation wrapped by this type

get_top_features([num_features, select_by])

Get the top features from the explanation :returns:


Return the values associated with the explanation

update_explanation(new_explanation[, ...])

Sets this object's explanation to the new value.

update_values(values[, inplace])

Updates this objects values, and validates


Validate that self.explanation is a valid single-row DataFrame :returns: None


Validate that any additional properties are valid


Validate that self.values are valid values for this Explanation.